Privacy Policy

Venture Tactical respects the personal privacy of visitors to our Web site. Our privacy policy describes the kinds of information we may collect from you and how it is used. Our privacy policy is subject to change at any time, and we encourage you to periodically review this page for any updates.

Venture Tactical may collect personal information provided by you — name, address, demographic information, etc. — and store those details in a database. The collected information may be used to generate follow-up messages and responses that are tailored to your request. If you have not chosen to “opt out” from our mailings, we may also use the collected information to send you periodic newsletters and other mailings. Venture Tactical does not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone. If you have any additional questions or would like to be removed from our database, please contact

If you do not wish to receive Venture Tactical marketing emails, you may opt out by clicking on the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of all Venture Tactical marketing emails, or you may email customer service at with the following:

The phrase “no Venture Tactical email” in the subject line & your name and email address.

When you visit the Venture Tactical web site, your Web browser software may automatically provide us with information such as the Web browser name and version, your computer type and operating system, and the previous Web site you visited if you clicked to our site from another. We also automatically determine your Internet IP address or your Internet service provider’s IP address. Any of this information may be recorded in our Web server logs or securely collected on our behalf via third-party services. This information will only be used internally in anonymous, aggregate reporting.

Certain parts of our Web site may use cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data sent to your Web browser and saved on your computer. On subsequent visits to our site, your browser will automatically retransmit the cookie data to our site. We may use cookies to customize the content shown to you, to provide conveniences to your browsing experience, or to track aggregate traffic trends on our site. You are not required to accept and store cookies to browse the Venture Tactical Web site.

Our Web site contains links to other sites. Venture Tactical does not share your personal information with these sites, nor do we have any control over the privacy policies of those sites. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of the companies responsible for those sites.